How to Fix a Leaning Recliner? – Step by Step Guide

Last Update On: January 25, 2022 | Artilcle Author:

Technology is making life full of luxuries. It also helps to relax us after doing all the hectic work. In this manner, there are many things in items of furniture that have made us. The recliner is an excellent example of this relaxing chair. When you are tired, sit on this comfortable sofa, as you also can lay down on this sofa.

You can feel that the comfort level of this recliner is amazing. This sofa can easily lean on so that you can lay on this relaxing sofa. Sometimes, this recliner tends to lean on one side too much. So you all must know how to fix a leaning recliner? If you know how to fix this recliner, then there would be not any problem for you to adjust this relaxing sofa.

How to Fix a Leaning Recliner? A Beginners Guide

If your recliner damages, then it would become a severe problem for you. If you do not know how to fix this, then stay calm and read all this article to understand the causes and how it is set. You will also learn about the main easy procedures to do if the recliner becomes out of order. The recliners are built to provide you real comfort at your home.

How to Fix a Leaning Recliner? A Beginners Guide

But if this recliner fails to give you real comfort even at your home, then it would be very concerning for you. If your recliner has the same simple problem as other recliners, it would be effortless to do this by yourself. Some people do not know how to fix this recliner, so they go to the market and buy a new one. So, I would recommend you learn how fixing a recliner is then purchasing a new one. Here you will learn all methods to solve this learning problem.

1. Main Tools

First, you must know what essential tools you need when you are fixing a recliner. If you want to set a recliner, these main tools can easily be found in nearby hardware stores.

Main Tools

  • You will need a screwdriver; with a screwdriver’s help, you will unlock the main joints. These joints are tightly screwed so that a screwdriver can do this job efficiently. If you buy a screwdriver from the market, then it would come into a whole set.
  • You also will need some glue. This glue has to be used special for wood, as you will have to rejoin some broken pieces of wood. If there some wood cracked so this glue would be very helpful to fix those pieces tightly.
  • There will also be a need for a pry bar, a thick metal rod used to open joints. You have to be very careful about using this on the recliner as it can damage the other parts of the recliner if used forcefully.
  • There will be a need for some lubricant as you will use it to lose the stiff joints.

2. How to Fix the Recliner

Now here is the step by step process of how to fix a leaning recliner? 

How to Fix the Recliner

  • The first step of fixing anything is that you have to detach all the main components. Here you also unlock all the panels and place them apart. Then with the help of a screwdriver, lose all the screws of the recliner.
  • Now you have to get rid of the recliner’s main cover; as you take off all covers, you would know what side has issues.
  • Sometimes when losing the screws, some joints are tight places; these cannot be loose easily. so you have to use some oil to lose old rigid joints.
  • If there is some broken part in the recliner, you have to unfasten that part. After removing that part slowly, you have to thoroughly clean the area.
  • If somehow you notice that there is some crack in the wood. Then you have to use some glue for wood, as it will help to remove the crack.
  • After applying glue, you must check that all parts are joined together. After many parts bounded, then it would be great for your recliner.

So here is the full demonstration of how to fix a recliner.

What Is Causing Your Recliner to Lean?

If you are going to fix a recliner, you should first examine what is causing this recliner to lean. So you have to be very careful about the recliner parts when you are looking for a cause. The leading causes of the leaning problem in the recliner followed.

What Is Causing Your Recliner to Lean

  • Some recliners come with a faulty reclining process. This is because of using low-quality parts in recliners. There are many companies of recliners which are making very poor quality. If you have the same problem, then you can quickly solve this. If you are facing some problems in the recliner. Then detach the faulty part and install the new part in the recliner.
  • If there is a low quality frame in your recliner then it could be a very big problem. The same reasoning is that many companies are using low-quality parts to avoid their expenses. But you can easily detect this as you first sit on a recliner.
  • If your recliner half kept on high ground and half kept on the low setting. Then also can become an alarming situation for you. This step will not balance your weight on the recliner properly. To avoid the problem, you must set your recliner at an even surface.
  • If there is some part broken under the recliner, it could also be a problem for you.

So these are the leading causes of the leaning problem in a recliner.


Now, I am ending this guide on how to fix a leaning recliner? There is no doubt that identifying a problem and then setting a recliner can be a tricky task. If you already note down all the steps mentioned above, then you will not feel any difficulty. If you encounter any issue with the recliner, you can quickly repair it without any hesitation.

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Author - Michael Steele

Hi, I am Michael Steele, I have a furniture shop where I sell different types of furniture for home and office. Such as the best recline chair, chair for study/therapists, best sofa for a heavy person, wall mounted drying rack, etc. Because of my business, I have to face so many customers of this furniture, I saw many clients face difficulties with maintenance, not getting the exact amount of service and comfort, buying the wrong one. All those problems they face because of their lack of knowledge about this furniture.